What does AP mean? What is AP Calculus and Physics? Please read our blog to get more information about the AP exam dates in Turkey, center, topics, fees and application process. Every May, students from all over the world take the AP exam. These standard exams are designed to measure how efficient your one-year work is, successful scores give you plus credits and a high chance of placement for enrolling in your dream colleges and universities.
Each of the 38 AP exams has its own requirements. However, almost all exams have common points:
* Most of the exams take 2-3 hours. Be prepared to deal with a challenging exam at limited intervals. If you have a good breakfast and are taking more than one exam on the same day, prepare lunch and snacks to continue. In short, a strict performance exam awaits you.
* The first part of the exam usually consists of multiple choice questions. For each question, you will need to choose the right one from four or five answer options. For your total exam score in the multiple-choice section, only the number of correctly answered questions is checked. You will not get points or lose points for incorrect answers or unanswered questions.
* The second part of the exam usually consists of more flexible questions that require you to create your own answers. Depending on the exam, your answers may be in the form of a trial, a solution to a problem, or voice response. In most cases, you'll need to write your answers to the exam booklet.
AP Exam Fee?
* The fee of each AP Exam is $ 94 (for Turkish Citizens).
* Examination fees may vary during an examination at authorized test centers outside the United States. Your school may ask you to pay a higher fee to organize the exam, provide discipline and cover administration costs. If your late registration is approved, you will need to pay an extra $ 45 in the exam fee.
* If you paid for an AP Exam but if you decide not to enter later, you can request a refund from your AP coordinator. Your application center has the right to set a certain reimbursement number (as it has costs).
What does AP mean? What is AP Calculus and Physics? Please read our blog to get more information about the AP exam dates in Turkey, center, topics, fees and application process.
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